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How Do You Sell Digital Products From Your Blog?

So, would you rather offer digital things through your blog? It's a fantastic concept.

As you may be aware, people are shifting away from physical things and toward digital alternatives. They do, however, want to be educated on which items are appropriate for them. Hence, your blog entries will come into play here. You may advertise digital items from your blog if you provide the right facts to your target demographic, and this is a great online business concept.

Promoting digital things, like selling physical products, needs training to generate revenue. Nevertheless, once you can develop and have faith in your audience, I guarantee that you will have a thousand dollars in your pocket within a few weeks.

Selling digital things might be your primary source of income if done correctly.
I just made more than $1000 selling digital things from blogs online in only two months. That is why I enjoy advertising digital things through blogs.

In addition, I'm working on my new e-book. The great thing about selling digital things is that you don't need a physical location to get started; you can start your online business right now.

Creating a blog and then working on it to make it profitable would be a fantastic feature. It makes no difference if you are a student, professional, or housewife; YOU CAN START A BLOG!


Before you start researching your digital product, consider the following:
  1. Who is my intended audience?
  2. What age group of crew members am I interested in?
  3. What problem am I attempting to solve?
  4. How quickly will I advertise digital products?
  5. What makes my digital items the best?


I understand that this is probably the most pressing question you have about starting a site that sells digital things.

Therefore, here are a few things you should do to make your first thousand dollars.

  • 1. Create a problem-solving blog.
This is the golden guideline to follow if you want to become a successful business.

Create a blog on the problems that people experience regularly. For example, I started this site because I enjoy fixing people's concerns by providing the greatest and most up-to-date information about online business marketing. I used to be just like you; I didn't have the capital to start a billion-dollar business. What I just had was my passion for business, which is why I started it without thinking too much.

I had some fantastic online business ideas that I really wanted to share with others.

Hence, before you promote something, you must be conscious that you are addressing an issue. After you've done that, I can tell you that you're on the right track to a bright future.

  • 2. Create a Loyal Community
I have over 13.6K big neighborhoods on Instagram, and it took me a year and a half to become a social media influencer. If you want to market digital items through your blog, you must first gain distinct levels of human trust. Because of today's online environment, there are already so many people out to deceive you. As a result, gaining people's trust all at once is quite difficult.

As a result, before advertising any digital goods online, I normally consider building a devoted community.

Begin sharing beloved content by providing tips, methods, and suggestions about whatever you choose. Use social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Establish a Facebook group where you can discuss your ideas with others while also promoting your blog content. Posted daily. After a while, you will see that many others start to agree with you.

  • 3. Develop Your Email List
As I mentioned before, people who don't know you don't prefer to buy from you right away. In this scenario, they'd like to learn why you're the greatest. Hence, if you are a new blogger, I strongly advise you to build an email list.

You may construct a lead magnet to help you collect people's email addresses. A lead magnet may be anything, such as an ebook, checklists, templates, case studies, and so on.

Developing an email list might be a lifesaver for you since email marketing allows you to advertise digital items from blogs.

  • 4. Create Content Based on Your Digital Goods
While seeking to sell digital items through your blog, your blog entries must be also related to your products.

I've considered several bloggers that produce blog entries on the products they offer. They are launching one arrow for two chases in this manner. They are training their target market while also marketing their products. Be certain not to use overly "salesy" terms or sentences in your blog entries. Remember that your target market is also human, and they desire education rather than sales. It is critical in business to think first about your clients and subsequently about yourself. Then you can only rely on something from others.

  • 5. Explain why your digital product is the best.
There is nothing wrong with praising and advertising your digital items until they are well worth the money.

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of underestimating themselves and avoiding discussions about their goods. If you are honest with your target audience and provide a high-quality viable product to your clients, there is nothing wrong with marketing them as well.

Look, I'm not saying you should always conduct advertising and say to your competition, but what I'm aiming to express is - DO PROMOTION WHEREVER REQUIRED!

So, from your audience's perspective, they are also seeking products/content (since the internet is like an ocean) that solve their problems, and if you are the greatest, say so.

It will be easier to advertise your digital items on your blog if you tell people about the reason why they are amazing, such as "why & how."

  • 6. Create A Social Media Community
Speaking about social media looks to be a "cliche," doesn't it? But believe me when I say that the tactics I discuss in my blogs have been tried and true. Indeed, you can't market your digital items on social media at the same time. Nonetheless, social media plays a significant role in establishing trust and authority. And it is simple to accomplish on any site, such as Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Consumers want to interact with other people rather than purchase from a machine, which is why Facebook has been such a success. Hence, try to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity by interacting with people on social media and building your own personal community.

You may lead site users to your Pinterest pins or encourage humans to "swipe up" on Instagram. This strategy certainly works. When I publish a new post, I make a Pinterest pin and an Instagram swipe-up the hyperlink. This immediately provides me with the visitors that I frequently want.

  • 7. Form a Facebook Group
I've created a Facebook Group in which I share weekly startup and commercial company ideas with individuals and answer questions about online business and marketing.

Hence, by creating a Facebook group, you are establishing your personal community, which also helps to advertise your digital items from your site.

When I publish a new digital product, I just submit it, and people start buying it. This strategy significantly reduced my advertising and marketing costs while allowing me to sell everywhere and anywhere.


The next question that comes to mind is, "But what do I have to sell?"

So, here's some good news for you: I've provided more than 21 unique digital product ideas that you may easily market on your blog. Hence, you will never run out of digital product ideas; simply go and choose your favorite.

Nonetheless, I'd like to give you a taste of several well-known digital product ideas that are among my favorites.

  • 1. Templates for Social Media
As an Instagram influencer, I enjoy creating social media layouts; it's regular work for me. Yet, I notice that not many people are familiar with the approach of creating social media templates. Well, here's an option for you. You may design and market social networking templates. I enjoy using Canva since it allows me to share and market the templates.

  • 2. Printable
Printable is another fantastic example of a digital product that people frequently buy on Etsy and Creative Market. You may create planners and schedulers for business, money, hobbies, and much more. A printable is an excellent digital product to market from a blog.

  • 3. Ebooks
Ebooks are the most popular choice among bloggers since they are so easy to create and launch. Because it is digital, you may advertise it again and again without having to worry about keeping and turning it in. You may easily publish your ebook on your blog and earn money online.

  • 4. Online Courses
Establishing an online route is the second most popular ambition among bloggers. As you are aware, ed-tech firms are on the rise and are expected to increase from USD 85.8 billion in 2020 to USD 181.3 billion by 2025. (according to Markets and Markets).

Hence, if you are already a professional in a certain industry, this may be a fantastic opportunity for you. To launch your first online course, you may utilize Thinkific or Teachable.

  • 5. Email Courses
Email courses are similar to mini-online courses. If you do not want to make a comprehensive online route at one time, you may still create a brief structure of the path that you can send by email.

I use Convertkit for email marketing since it allows for instant delivery to people's inboxes. So, those were some short ideas for digital things to promote on the blog; you can really read the complete post here.


The next consideration is the cost and delivery structures for creating and promoting digital items from your blog. There are currently several systems in place where you may generate and advertise your digital items from your blog.

Thinkific is an excellent choice for developing online courses. It includes all of the tools you'll need to develop your online course. You can effortlessly acquire the right of entry to the dashboard and manage all of your direction content material. It is certainly free to try, and pricing begins at $39/month.

Teachable is similar to Thinkific, but it also allows you to generate PDFs, eBooks, private consultations, teaching, and many other things. Its cost starts at $29 per month.

  • 3. PODIA
Podia includes everything you need to build your digital product and create an income funnel to sell it. You may use it to take images, send emails, collect money, promote digital downloads, upsell your items, and many other things. Its cost starts at only $39 per month.

  • 4. SENDOWL
It is a platform for bloggers to promote digital items such as downloads, memberships, and subscriptions. You may market to customers by email, social media, or your website. SendOwl features a built-in affiliate system, pre-checkout and post-payment upsell, discount coupons, and pay-what-you-want pricing.

Price begins at $15 per month for 30 goods and three Gigabytes of storage.

  • 5. GUMROAD
Gumroad is an excellent platform for producers to market digital items such as subscriptions, rentals, software license keys, and pre-orders. Your customers may pay with any major credit card and PayPal in a variety of currencies. Price begins at $10 per month.

ThriveCart is a piece of software that allows you to sell and accept payments for physical things, digital products, subscriptions, and services to your customers.

It is a well-known tool for designing and launching digital goods. It features its own revenue funnel administration feature that you can use to establish funnel levels for up-selling and cross-selling your digital items.


For payment gateways, I use either PayPal or RazorPay. But, there are various reputable payment gateways that you may utilize, such as Stripe,, 2CheckOut, and so on.


There are several fantastic tools for developing and designing digital items, but my personal favorite is Canva. I use Canva to create diagrams for all of my digital goods, including ebooks, pdfs, lead magnets, templates, social media posts, and so on.

But, due to our hectic schedule, we don't always have time to generate these digital items. In this situation, you may get beautiful pre-made Canva templates for a very low price.

You may purchase these templates and alter them in your free Canva account; you do not need a seasoned account.


When it comes to advertising digital items from your blog, I have a thousand reasons why they are the finest. But first, let us look at the most significant reasons why they are appropriate.
  • Save Time:
Digital items save a lot more time than physical products. This is because you don't need a physical location to store and provide them. There are no issues with delivery or logistics.

  • Large Profit Margins:
Digital items have far higher profit margins than physical products. You don't want uncooked substances to manufacture them, so you can keep all of the money.

  • High Scalability: 
These are extremely scalable items that you can advertise again and over again. Ebooks, online courses, and planners only take a one-time effort to create and may be promoted indefinitely.

  • Save money:
Because digital items do not require inventory management, you may spend more time shopping.

  • Flexibility:
You may develop new goods whenever you want or modify the way you market them.


If there are advantages, it does not follow that there are no disadvantages to advertising digital items.

  • Competition:
Because it is quite simple to begin advertising digital items, anybody may do so, and competition can be fierce.

  • Piracy:
There will always be those who want to steal and resell digital things, thus you must protect your products legitimately.


If you want to start a lucrative internet business by selling digital things online, you need to perform some research in your region.

Don't just leap in since there are many people on the internet that show their money, but please don't get caught up in all of this. Produce just the things that thrill you and those you can make for an extended period.

In addition, I would advise you not to rely just on one source of income. When digital items face fierce competition, just market exclusive types of products (one at a time) and then validate which product provides you with the most money.
