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PUBG Mobile 1.8 APK update features

 PUBG Mobile 1.8 APK update

PUBG Mobile 1.8 update is presently live, however assuming you can't download the update through the Play Store, we take care of you! In this article, you will observe APK and OBB download connections of the PUBG Mobile 1.8 update for all Android gadgets.

PUBG Mobile 1.8 Aftermath update just delivered on January 12!

In the Aftermath update, the amazing Spider-Man joins the fight royale, and players all over the planet will find the opportunity to partake in an extraordinary new superhuman-themed mode.

From January 12 to February 14, you can pick between two interesting modes.

At the point when you select Classic Mode, you can set the guide to "Erangel - Spider-Man" or "Livik - Spider-Man" and afterward assist Spider-Man with overcoming the strange beasts that have attacked Erangel.

Assuming you beat the chief, you'll even approach the new Web Shooter and Spiderweb Ball, to test Spider-Man's capacities!

Sounds invigorating and you can hardly wait to attempt it, yet can't get to the update? Relax, we have what you want!

On the off chance that you can't introduce the update, read on as we furnish you with APK and OBB download joins, just as directions on the most proficient method to introduce the update.

Introduce PUBG Mobile 1.8 update and experience the special Spider-Man mode! (Photograph: Krafton)

Before continuing, it is critical to call attention to that we in every case unequivocally prescribe to download the most recent update of PUBG Mobile from the authority Google Play Store page, it is the simplest, most secure, and most dependable way. fast to introduce the new update and begin partaking in the new substance.

On the off chance that for reasons unknown you can't download the PUBG Mobile 1.8 Aftermath update using Google Play Store or the update is as yet not delivered in your locale, we have connections to the APK document of the game which you can download and introduce on your Android gadget.

The update will need around 1 GB of extra room for Android gadgets, so ensure you have sufficient free space before beginning the download cycle.

APK download interface

For PUBG Mobile 1.8 update, you won't have to physically download the OBB document. PUBG Mobile will do this consequently once you open the game interestingly when introducing the 1.8 updates.

Step by step instructions to Install PUBG Mobile 1.8 APK Update

PUBG Mobile 1.8 update APK and OBB download joins

PUBG Mobile 1.8 update accompanies heaps of new substance! (Photograph: Krafton)

Follow the means beneath to download and introduce PUBG Mobile 1.8 update:

Associate your gadget to a Wi-Fi network before downloading the APK document (suggested).

Ensure you have sufficient room on your gadget. We suggest having no less than 2 GB of free space.

Permit establishment of applications from obscure sources. To do this, go to your gadget's "Settings > Security and Privacy" menus and select "Introduce applications from obscure sources".

Explore your gadget's Downloads envelope and introduce the APK document by tapping the Install button.

Send off the game and sign in with your certifications.

Allow it to introduce the OBB document

You can now erase the APK record from the Downloads organizer

Also, there's nothing more to it! You are currently set and prepared to begin playing PUBG Mobile 1.8 update!

Players who introduce PUBG Mobile 1.8 update between January 12 and January 18, 2022, will likewise get the accompanying prizes.
