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White holes .. Have scientists discovered a new secret in the universe?

 White holes... Have scientists discovered a new secret in the universe?


"What is the fate of this universe? And why did it appear in the first place?!" This question is considered pivotal in science, as it began as a human curiosity thousands of years ago when we raised our heads to contemplate those distant stars, then developed into a philosophy, then a science, to branch out into this science to form what we see now and study in science books, and although the scientific field is still moving in His journey in search of answers, this remarkable journey has contributed to discoveries strange beyond the wildest of our imaginations. Ranging from theories closer to correctness such as the Big Bang, and objects such as black holes, to ideas steeped in their fantasy, but they are possible according to mathematical equations, such as parallel universes, or white holes.


Yes, they are, as I heard, white holes, but to understand what these strange-named bodies mean, let's start by talking a little bit about black holes. We know that any star stands between two fundamental forces, the first being the star's pressure on itself. Very huge, the sun, for example, can accommodate more than a million Earths, all of that material is pressed by gravity on the center, but what does not prevent the star from collapsing on itself is the energy resulting from nuclear fusion in the star's core.


As for the second force, it is hydrogen, as it is the food of the stars, as the stars merge it in the center and it turns into helium, then they merge helium, and the elements continue to appear, passing through carbon and hydrogen to iron, and each of them is nothing but its predecessor, and it was combined with hydrogen atoms, That energy from nuclear fusion in the center of the star is what resists gravity that is pressing it to collapse on itself, and for as long as it is in the 1 Main Sequence Star, those stars that are still burning their hydrogen for energy, the star, in one form or another, remains Stable, but what happens when a star runs out of fuel?



Here this equilibrium begins to vibrate little by little, but let's stop a little and talk about the atom, we know that greater than 99.9% of the area of ​​​​the atom is avoided, for example, if we are now in a huge opera house, and in the middle, on a table, we put a grain of sand and consider it The nucleus of the atom, the electrons will be very small faint dust atoms revolving on the walls of the opera house, and what is between them is avoid, but when the stars lose their abilities to burn hydrogen, nuclear fusion stops and gravity wins the battle. , the outer shells of the star are expelled in the form of nebulae.


At that point, the star’s fate depends on its initial mass. If it was from the beginning with the mass of the sun or even eight times its mass, the contraction will stop at some point, and what we call a white dwarf 2 remains in the center, which is a star resulting from the collapsed star’s core, But if the initial mass of the star is greater than eight solar masses, the contraction continues until the stage of the neutron star 3, or sometimes the star is so huge that the contraction cannot stop due to the overwhelming gravitational forces, and the star collapses on itself completely to reach to the black hole.


We know that any object has gravity, and to escape from that gravity, it must have a speed greater than the gravitational acceleration. On Earth, for example, the missile must fly upwards at a speed of more than 11 kilometers per second to cross it, and the greater the mass of the planet, the greater the speed required, but there is another factor It affects that gravity besides the mass of the planet, it is its radius, in the normal case the radius is proportional to the mass, so we find that the greater the mass, the higher the diameter of course.


Eternal black holes

But in the case of black holes, the star shrinks while it still maintains its mass, because it contains the same number of atoms, yet its radius shrinks, which increases its gravity, and therefore, we need greater speeds to escape from them, but at some point exceed that speed What we need is the speed of light itself, the fastest possible speed in the universe, here we say that nothing can escape from this body, and this is the definition of a black hole in a physical form, the body that we need to escape from its gravity to run faster than the speed of light, but what is the speed the light?!




The speed of light is not simply the speed of a light ray, but it is the causal speed in the universe, meaning that any connection between two events in the universe must take place at a maximum that is the speed of light, so black holes are, in a way, regions outside the universe in which we live, because they You have no chance of communicating with us, in other words, we know from general relativity that gravitational bodies cause the time to slow down. Let's say, for example, that you ride a big watch and you're now approaching a black hole, while we, here, are somehow watching you. From our site we will notice that your watch is slowing down little by little until you stop exactly the moment you reach the black hole and enter it, here we will not see you enter it (although you did), but you, for us, will freeze completely on its horizon and stop.


Therefore, all the events of this universe, from the point of view of general relativity, occur in this universe and remain outside black holes, and what enters the black hole is separated from our universe in some way, but the black hole itself, and we mean here the singular 5 (Singularity), that point that stands Inside it and represents the mass of the collapsing star, it is also a separate thing, in other words, when we talk in the language of the past and the future, the black hole in the future of a star, but when you enter the black hole, the past and the future are slightly different.


Where when we contemplate the solutions of Karl Schwarzschild, the German physicist, to a specific type of black hole we call the Eternal Blackhole 6, we find that inside the black hole the poles of the world are reversed, so time becomes a place and space becomes time, that is, the place becomes something that moves in the direction
