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You think you've seen it all. You thought we crossed the Battle Royale skyline and kissed the sun. That it was all over, the race won by Apex Legends, Fortnite, Warzone, and PUBG. Then, arriving with the sound of a wacky and utterly breathless cartoon horn, comes Super People, a Korean BR from developer Wonder People. Super People is an amalgamation of all the Battle Royale you've experienced and it's almost awesome.

I've played several Super People games in the Closed Beta after hearing about the game online from those typical sensationalist YouTube videos - "Is this the NEXT Big Battle Royale?" To which the answer is almost always a categorical no. I wish I could say something different about Super People, but the age of Battle Royale is indeed shrinking, its life force choked by the Big Four. There is no room for a new BR, even as stupid and strangely polite as Super People. But, there's a chance he'll dethrone one of the elders.

I'm talking about PUBG. The awkward grandfather of the BRs. For a long time, you will often find the janky game sitting in a corner mumbling about the good old days. Despite his shaking hands and questionable opinions, over 100,000 people still sit down and listen to what PUBG has to say. The game will even be free in 2022. There is something the old man always does better than his rivals. PUBG is a classic. A veteran. His movement and shooting game is unlike any other, even though they are starting to show their age. Super People takes all of these pieces and puts them together in a new way


You can teleport behind your enemies and shoot them in the back, or run at 50 km / h and jump from roof to roof. There is a giant jeep that jumps to rabbits. Weapons are varied and make little sense, the game eschews realism to let you wield an Ak-47 and M1 Garand in the same match. The manufacturing system is simple and easy to use. You never have any issues with gear, crafting rugs are everywhere and the loot table is generous. The ring changes depending on the number of players in the game, which means you don't spend 15 minutes looking for people to shoot. Its art style is crisp, the gameplay goes smoothly, and the shooter is crisp. There's a lot that Super People understands well, and for big chunks of the gameplay loop, I feel like I'm playing PUBG, which isn't a bad thing. Super People is fresh, even though I've seen it all before.                 
